Media Releases

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands has published its Final Environmental Assessment with a Finding of No Significant Impact for the Pu‘u ‘Ōpae Homestead Settlement in Waimea, Kauaʻi.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands has announced the continued cancellation of the issuance of camping permits and facility reservations statewide through Oct. 31, 2020.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands is seeking public comment on its Fiscal Year 2019-2020 expenditures of the Native Hawaiian Housing Plan and Annual Performance Report under the Native American Housing and Self Determination Act.

The Department of Hawaiian Homes Lands is seeking beneficiary input as part of a statewide effort to develop an Agriculture Program Plan.

DHHL requests that the proposals are a good public policy for the Department. They must address DHHL’s operations, programs, regulations, processes, budget, and/or resources and must create a benefit or an advantage for the Department, the trust, or trust beneficiaries, or otherwise correct a deficiency.