SHPD-DHHL Programmatic Agreement Consultation

SHPD-DHHL Programmatic Agreement Consultation


Program Information:
DHHL through certain HUD programs (such as the expenditure of Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) of 1996, as amended 2000) facilitates the funding of activities such as rehabilitation, demolition, and new construction of residential structures within DHHL communities. The aforementioned activities and funding play a critical role in the basic upkeep of a home, ensuring the residences are in a habitable condition, and that DHHL beneficiaries maintain their quality of life. Currently, every DHHL beneficiary eligible for NAHASDA or other similar HUD programs must have their lot/home individually reviewed under Section 106. Historically it has been determined by DHHL in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHO) that many HUD-funded activities have minimal or no potential to adversely affect historic properties. Thus, to expedite the Section 106 review process DHHL, SHPO and Advisory Council Historic Preservation (ACHP) have agreed to a programmatic process that includes procedures to:

  • Identify and categorize HUD-funded activities that have limited potential to affect historic properties from those that have the potential to affect historic properties;
  • Foster consistency and efficiency in the review of those activities unlikely to cause adverse effects and allow more time for consideration of undertakings with a potential for adverse effects; and
  • Fdentify historic properties within the DHHL communities across the State of Hawaiʻi and assessing the significance of the identified historic properties listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

Consultation on the individual community studies is an integral part of the programmatic agreement.

Locations of Communities: