‘Ewa Beach Homestead Project

‘Ewa Beach Homestead Project

Master Plan and Environmental Assessment


Ewa Beach Homestead Project Draft EA Now Available
The Draft Environmental Assessment for the Ewa Beach Homestead Project was published on September 23, 2024, with the public comment period open until October 23, 2024. Comments may be submitted via e-mail to Jennifer Scheffel at [email protected] or mailed to SSFM International, ATTN: Jennifer Scheffel, 501 Sumner Street, Suite 620, Honolulu, HI 96817.


Background: The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) has initiated a planning process to develop a master plan and prepare an environmental assessment for approximately 80 acres of recently acquired land in ‘Ewa Beach, O‘ahu.

Homestead development is the highest priority in DHHL’s O‘ahu Island Plan.  The ‘Ewa Beach homestead community is primarily intended to provide residential homesteading opportunities to native Hawaiian beneficiaries on the O‘ahu Residential waiting list, which currently has the most beneficiaries waiting for homesteads.  The parcel is located within an existing residential neighborhood, with access to employment centers, public transit, public services, and recreational facilities.

DHHL Beneficiary Consultation and ‘Ewa Beach Community Outreach Information 

Ewa Beach Homestead Plan – Oahu Waitlist Applicant Survey

Virtual Beneficiary Consultation #3

Virtual Beneficiary Consultation #2

Virtual Beneficiary Consultation #1 

Community Meeting #2

Community Meeting #1


Kapolei Homestead Leaders Meeting

More Information: