Potential Renewable Energy Project Moloka‘i

Potential Renewable Energy Project on Moloka‘i

Background Information:  On August 31, 2020, DHHL posted a legal ad in statewide newspapers, requesting applications for renewable energy projects for 1 TMK parcel on O‘ahu, 1 TMK parcel on Moloka‘i, and 2 TMK parcels on Hawai‘i Island.  The parcel identified on Moloka‘i is TMK (2) 5-2-001:004 (portion).


Beneficiary Consultation: 

1 Proposed Action or Issue for Discussion DHHL’s request for Community Based Renewable Energy project applications for TMK (2) 5-2-001:004 (portion) located on Moloka‘i.
2 Notification A Beneficiary Consultation invitation postcard was mailed out on October 14, 2020 to 906 Moloka‘i beneficiaries (Moloka‘i Lessees and Applicants who reside on Moloka‘i). 

***Please note, the mailed postcard announced the wrong day of the week. The meeting is Thursday, October 29, 2020.***

3 Beneficiary Meeting Virtual Beneficiary Consultation Meeting:
The purpose of the meeting is to: 

  • Provide information about the renewable energy solicitation
  • Explain Community Based Renewable Energy
  • Explain why here?  Why now? 
  • Explain the potential benefits.
  • Explain the process, should a project be selected
  • Solicit input on community benefits.

DATE:  Thursday, October 29, 2020
TIME:  6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Link to Virtual Meeting:  https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTlhMDkyYzUtOGViNC00NjZkLTg4M2EtOWU4ZDNjYmJjMTFj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%223847dec6-63b2-43f9-a6d0-58a40aaa1a10%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22742c152f-10ac-4392-8b00-c66c815714c1%22%7d

Call-in Number is: +1 808-829-4853

Conference ID#: 650 456 033#

Presentation Materials

Recorded Virtual Meeting: