The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and County of Maui Highways Division will conduct tree trimming work on Kolea Ave in Ho‘olehua, Molokaʻi, beginning Monday, August 8, 2022.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands is seeking native Hawaiian beneficiary input on its Draft General Plan. DHHL’s General Plan, updated every 20 years, establishes statewide policies that guide land management and programs over the next two decades. The Department last updated its General Plan in 2002.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands has announced the availability of $8.5 million for its Community Development Grants Program, part of DHHL’s Native Hawaiian Development Program Plan.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through its contractor Henry's Equipment Rental & Sales, Inc., will conduct site improvements at the Nānākuli Homestead Cemetery on Oʻahu beginning on Monday, July 25, 2022.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands is seeking public comment on its Fiscal Year 2021-2022 expenditures of the Native Hawaiian Housing Plan and Annual Performance Report under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act.