
Those in need of services from the Department should plan accordingly around the scheduled closures.

The Department of Hawaiian Homes Lands held an opening ceremony for its new Kauaʻi District Office on Monday, November 28, 2022, in Līhuʻe, Kauaʻi.

The Hawaiian Homes Commission, the nine-person executive board that governs the Department of Hawaiian Homes Lands, has approved and announced its 2022 meeting calendar.

Notice to possible successors of the following deceased applicants, who died on or after October 26, 1998, and failed to designate a successor to their Hawaiian Home Lands application rights under the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and the Waimea Hawaiian Homesteaders’ Association have published a draft Environmental Assessment for the relocation of the Kīpuka o ke Ola Clinic.