Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

Every year, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands prepares and submits legislative proposals for inclusion in the Governor’s Administrative Package for the next session of the Hawaii State Legislature.

House Bill 451 - Legislation Reducing Blood Quantum for Successors FAQs.

The Hawai‘i State Water Commission recently approved a mediated settlement that will immediately restore mauka to makai flows in the Waimea River on Kaua'i. 

On Wednesday, March 15, 2017, the La‘i‘Ōpua 2020 Board of Directors including Executive Director Bo Kahui along with Kahu Iris Kunewa, dignitaries, representatives, contractors, engineers and friends of the Villages of La‘i‘Ōpua celebrated the groundbreaking for the building of their community center in North Kona.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands' (DHHL) affordable housing pilot project successfully converted another 19 Hawaiian Homestead families from renters to homeowners.