Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands has issued its final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Department’s Honomū Subsistence Agriculture Homestead Community in South Hilo on Hawaiʻi Island.

Hawaiian Homes Commission Meeting agendas are available approximately one week in advance on the HHC Meetings page of our website.

Beneficiary families gathered at the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands headquarters on Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019, for a chance at being selected as one of the 23 to receive a vacant lot within the Department’s Ka’uluokaha’i Subdivision – Increment B, located east of Kapolei Parkway near the Salvation Army Kroc Center.

The firebreak installation, conducted by Kauai Nursery & Landscaping, resulted in the removal of over 30 abandoned vehicles and roughly 80 tons of trash that included refrigerators, washing machines, other various appliances, scrap metal, tires, and household items.

Hawaiian Homes Commission Act (HHCA) beneficiaries on the Island of Moloka`i holding leases in the Kalama`ula and Ho`olehua communities will soon approach the 99-year lease mark.