RFQ-22-LDD-003, Pressure Testing & Chlorination of Waterlines at Maku’u Subdivision
Pressure Testing & Chlorination of Waterlines at Maku’u Subdivision
PARCEL ID: 151180480000
Kaluahine Street, Pahoa, Hawaii 96778
RFQ No.: RFQ-22-LDD-003
Provide the labor, materials, and equipment for the pressure testing and chlorination of portions of existing 4” waterlines and laterals for conveyance over to Department of Water Supply. The parcel is located in the Maku’u Subdivision, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) located on Kaluahine Street, Ka Ohuwalu Drive and Kahokumaka Place in accordance with the construction documents and technical specifications, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and other related work. Any damage caused by the Contractor shall be repaired at no cost to DHHL to the satisfaction of the Project Manager. The Contractor shall be responsible to restore any damaged areas back to the original condition or better. Labor wages shall comply with the current State of Hawaii wage rate schedule. Due to COVID-19 protocol and Hawaii State DOH guidelines, please practice safe distancing and wearing a face mask as required.
The Contractor shall include in his quote a contingency amount of $5,000.00 for work due to unforeseen conditions and for additional work directed by DHHL. The unspent portion of the contingency shall be deducted from the contract amount.
A pre-bid meeting and site inspection is schedule on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 9:00 a.m., HST, at the intersection of Kaluahine Street and Ka Ohuwalu Drive in Maku’u. Attendance is highly recommended.
General Scope of Work
The Selected Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, materials and supervision to satisfactorily complete all work as described below and as shown on the attachment(s) provided.
- Tone and verify underground utilities in the proposed areas for isolating lines and pressure testing. Exercise each valve before and after the pressure test.
- Obtain permits for traffic control, road repairs and scheduling for planned outages. Coordinate all work with DWS inspector and notify DHHL. DHHL shall notify the Maku’u Farmers Association. Update schedule whenever deviations occur at least 24 hrs. in advance.
- Sawcut and excavate points of pressure testing (if needed). Record all test results and isolate areas to identify sections with possible leaks. No open trenches shall be allowed when Contractor leaves site. Metal plates and proper signage shall be provided by the Contractor
- Chlorination and flushing of lines shall be done after certification and approval by DWS following Water System Standards, State of Hawaii – 2002.
- Final connections and restoration of roads shall be coordinated between COH and DHHL. Final Inspection shall be made with DWS for acceptance of the piping and appurtenances.
- The contractor shall keep the site clean and neat at the end of each workday. Disposal of construction debris shall be contained or hauled to a proper landfill.
- DHHL does not provide any security, storage of equipment shall be at Contractor’s own risk.\
- The Contractor shall provide daily reports with photos of the work in progress along with Certified Payroll on a weekly basis.
General Excise Tax
General excise tax shall be inclusive in the Contractor’s bid, and shall be noted as a lump sum bid in the Bid Offer Form.
Additional Services
Repairs and Inspections for Leaks
- All repairs to pipes, fitting or valves shall be with the approval of DHHL and DWS following Water System Standards, State of Hawaii 2002.
- All excavated areas shall be restored to original or better condition with approval by DHHL and DWS.
- Retesting of lines and repairs shall be coordinated with DWS Inspector.
- All excavated materials shall be disposed of in an approved landfill site.
- DHHL will make periodic inspections to verify work in progress for payment invoiced by the Contractor.
- The Contractor shall notify DHHL prior to any work being done not indicated on the contract documents
- All repairs and replacement of parts shall be recorded as Time and Material with proper invoices. Extra work shall come out of the contingency funds.
Terms of Contract
The selected contractor shall enter into a contract for 60 calendar days subject to the availability of funds.
Required submittals prior to award: “Certificate of Vendor Compliance” found on this website: https://vendors.ehawaii.gov/hce/splash/welcome.html and a Certificate of Insurance for general liability insurance for $2,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for bodily injury and property damage, and automobile insurance for $1,000,000 each person and $1,000,000 per accident and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident or combined single limit of $2,000,000. The State of Hawaii, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL), its elected and appointed officials, officers, and employees shall be named as additional insured parties for operations performed under this contract. The insurer shall notify DHHL in writing of any cancellation or change in provisions thirty (60) calendar days prior to the effective date of such cancellation or change. DHHL is a self-insured State agency. The Contractor’s insurance shall be primary. Any insurance maintained by the State of Hawaii shall apply in excess of, and shall not contribute with, insurance provided by the Contractor.
Bid Offers shall be electronically submitted via HIePRO no later than 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 23, 2021. The Bid Offer Form must also be attached as an attachment when submitting your offer via HIePRO. All offers shall be submitted as a lump sum amount including all applicable taxes and fees. Only offers submitted through HIePRO shall be considered for award. Award shall be based on the lowest qualified Total Base Offer Amount. Failure to submit the Bid Offer Form may be grounds for rejection of the Bid Offer. A performance and payment bond equal to one hundred per cent of the Total Base Offer Amount will be required if the Total Base Offer Amount exceeds $50,000.
The work shall be completed within 60 consecutive calendar days after the Notice to Proceed is issued. The liquidated damages per calendar day for failure to complete the work on time shall be $100.00 per calendar day. Upon completion, the Contractor shall clean-up the worksite of all materials, construction debris and rubbish as described.
Contact Personnel: Kelbert Yoshida (Project Manager)……………. 620-9286