Single-family homes at various Maui subdivisions
Click here to download: RFP-11-HHL-003.zip
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List of included documents:
RFP-11-HHL-003 Notice to Developers
A. RFP-11-HHL-003 Notice to Developers
B. RFP-11-HHL-003 Sign-In Sheet
FINAL Exhibits for RFP-11-HHL-003
1.1. EXH 1 RFP Process Flowchart
1.2. EXH 1.1 Notice of Intent to Submit an Offer
2. EXH 2 Submittal Checklist & Proposal Forms
3. EXH 3 Developer’s Appl & Qual Form
4. EXH 4 Available lots for Turnkey
5.1. EXH 5.1 Tax Map Keys Kula Res Unit 1 (mauka)
5.2. EXH 5.2 Tax Map Keys Kula Res Unit 1 (makai)
6. EXH 6 Tax Map Key Waiehu Kou Phase 3
7.1. EXH 7 FILE PLAN 2321 Kula Res Lots Unit 1 (mauka)
7.2. EXH 7 FILE PLAN 2321 Kula Res Lots Unit 1 (makai)
8. EXH 8 File Plan 2392 Waiehu Kou Phase 3
9.1. EXH 9 Waiehu Kou Phase 3 4 lots Grading Plan
9.2. EXH 9 Kula Res Lots Unit 1 General Plan with Grading and Drainage details
10. EXH 10 SIC residential ONT installation 3-2010
11. EXH 11 DHHL Market Data
15. EXH 15 Sample Development Agreement
16. EXH 16 Green Building + Hawaii BuiltGreen Checklist
17. EXH 17 Undivided Interest Awards, HOAP, & NAHASDA
18. EXH 18 Lessee, UI, and Lot Selection Process
19. EXH 19 2010 HUD Median
20. EXH 20 Sample Project Labor Agreement
21. EXH 21 Master Agreement-Carpenters
22. EXH 22 Master Agreement-Drywall, Acoustical Workers, and
24. EXH 24 Sample Interim Lender’s Agreement
25. EXH 25 DCCR WK3 ( recorded with description and design standards)
26. EXH 26 GENERAL CONDITIONS (Rev 4-15-09) and DHHL Interim
26.3 EXH 26 Amendments to DHHL GC
27. EXH 27 Surety Bid Proposal Bond Form