
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands has advised the U. S. General Services Administration that it will accept the transfer of approximately 80 acres from the federal government as provided by the Hawaiian Home Lands Recovery Act of 1995, Public Law 104-42.

Every year, Prince Kūhiō Day is recognized by the State of Hawaii on his birthday and honors the life of the longtime delegate to the U.S. Congress and his many accomplishments in service of his people and the Hawaiian Islands.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands has selected two renewable energy developers to advance in the process to lease DHHL Industrial parcels for proposed solar and storage projects on Oʻahu and Hawaiʻi Island.

HHC accepted the Beneficiary Consultation Report as the official public record of beneficiary input and feedback relative to the legislative proposal.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands’ postponement of mortgage loan payments for DHHL direct loans and loans assigned to the Department has been extended for an additional three-month period, through June 30, 2021.