Media Releases

The solicitation for legislative proposals went public in July. The Department received 29 proposals and after DHHL consideration, 13 of those draft proposals have been selected for proposed inclusion in the Department’s legislative package.

The Hawaiian Homes Commission has approved the continuance of postponement of mortgage loan payments for all Department of Hawaiian Home Lands direct loans and loans assigned to the Department for an additional three-month period, effective with the October 2020 payment.

The Department of Hawaiian Homes Lands has selected a partnership of Stanford Carr Development and Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company to implement the redevelopment of its 820 Isenberg Street property in Mōʻiliʻili, Oʻahu.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands is relaunching it’s HALE program with expanded financial support services.

Hawaiian Homes Commission Chair William J. Ailā, Jr. has issued a letter to Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) vendors following beneficiary concerns over perceived spraying activities involving herbicides containing glyphosate, such as Roundup, on Hawaiian Home Lands.