As part of the ongoing Nānākuli Flood Control Channel improvements in Nānākuli, Oʻahu, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through its contractor Hawaii Engineering Group, will conduct drone surveying beginning on October 21, 2020.
Public Notice
Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes chapter 91, notice is hereby given that the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands will hold statewide online public hearings to afford all interested persons an opportunity to submit data, views, or arguments, orally or in writing on the proposed adoption of Chapter 10-4.1, under Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 10, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, entitled “Management of Water Systems.”
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands is asking all Hoʻolehua Water System customers to reduce their water consumption for necessary purposes only through the month of October.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through its contractor Hawaii Engineering Group, will conduct drone surveying in the Maluʻōhai homestead community on Oʻahu beginning on October 2, 2020. The work will last for approximately two weeks.
Through its contractor, Close Construction, INC., the Department will subdivide an acre of land into eight, approximately 6,000 square foot residential lots. These lots will be offered as residential vacant lots to beneficiaries on the Oʻahu Island Applicant Waiting list upon completion of the project.