The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through its contractor Henry's Equipment Rental & Sales, Inc., will conduct site improvements at the Nānākuli Homestead Cemetery on Oʻahu beginning on Monday, July 25, 2022.
Public Notice
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through its contractor, Esaki Survey and Mapping, Inc., will begin topographic survey work of the Hanapēpē Phase 1 Residential Lots on Kauaʻi beginning on Monday, July 25.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through its contractor Goodfellow Brothers, will conduct repair work on the main water storage tanks and distribution lines of the Ho‘olehua Water System beginning Monday, July 18, 2022.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through its contractor Bowers and Kubota Consulting, will conduct a one-day drone survey of its East Kapolei lands on June 27, 2022, weather permitting.
Notice to possible successors of the following deceased leaseholders, who died and failed to designate a successor(s) to their Hawaiian Home Lands lease under the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended.