Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and the Waimea Hawaiian Homesteaders’ Association have published a final Environmental Assessment with a Finding of No Significant Impact for the proposed relocation of the Kīpuka o ke Ola Clinic.

Hawaiian Homes Commission Chair William J. Ailā, Jr. issued the following statement on the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s announcement of a $17,284,762.85 million Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program grant to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands.

A project to restore a 4,500-acre portion of native forest on the slopes of Haleakalā that began over 25 years ago has recommenced through the efforts of native Hawaiians from the Kahikinui Homestead Community.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands has published and submitted to the Hawaiʻi State Legislature its final plan to spend the $600 million allocation of funding from Act 279.

Notice to possible successors of the following deceased leaseholders, who died and failed to designate a successor(s) to their Hawaiian Home Lands lease under the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended.