Wakiu Homestead Development Master Plan and EA

DHHL Wakiu Homestead Master Plan and EA


The policy of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920 is “to enable native Hawaiians to return to their lands in order to fully support self-sufficiency for native Hawaiians and the self-determination of native Hawaiians in the administration of this Act, and the preservation of the values, traditions, and culture of native Hawaiians”.

This project includes developing a master plan for primarily subsistence agricultural lots and other associated land uses under STATE authority in the DHHL Wakiu Tract. The Project will also include completion of the state environmental review process under Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, Chapter 343 and Hawai‘i Administrative Rules, Chapter 11-200.1.

Wākiu is comprised of  approximately 650 acres. The close proximity of Wākiu to Hāna town and its location along Hāna Highway across from Hāna High School makes Wākiu the preferred location for a new homestead project in East Maui.

The project originally contemplated master planning homesteads on DHHL lands in Ke‘anae and Wailua.  However, based on beneficiary feedback from those communities, the beneficiaries in those communities prefer DHHL hold off on planning these lands until DHHL promulgates rules for that would give DHHL beneficiaries that are lineal descendants of Ke‘anae and Wailua priority in being offered a homestead award on these lands before other beneficiaries.



Most recent meeting Saturday April 13, 2024 – Hana Elementary School Cafeteria

Meeting presentation 

Presentation Video 

Beneficiary meetings held to date:


Wakiu Homestead Development Plan Draft EA January 2025


Questions?  Please contact [email protected]