O‘ahu Parcels for General Leasing 2024
O‘ahu Parcels for General Leasing
Kilihau parcels
For Industrial (I-2) Development
Shafter Flats Industrial Development
Moanalua, O‘ahu
General Property Description – Kilihau (General Information on Killihau I)
Kapolei parcel
For Business Mixed-Use (BMX-3) Development
Kapolei, O‘ahu
General Property Description – Kapolei (General Information on Kapolei parcel)
Please join DHHL staff for an informational beneficiary consultation on these parcels located on O‘ahu island that will soon be offered for general leasing. The purpose of this beneficiary consultation is to discuss the DHHL General Lease Program as well as each O‘ahu parcel that will soon become available. See Virtual meeting information below.
DHHL General Lease Program
To provide for revenue for the DHHL’s programs
1. Maximize income through effective land management
2. Reduce the acreage of lands used for income purposes, limited to no more than 2% of total HHL
3. Follow the guidance of the Island Plans and Regional Plans to determine land for revenue purposes
Section 204(a)(2) or Section 220.5 of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended
Section 171-59 & 171-60 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes guide the general leasing process with appraisal, notice, public auction requirements
Current Process: Under Section 204(a)(2)
- HHC authorization to offer the selected property for general leasing.
- Planning Office will assist with Beneficiary Consultation.
- LMD to procure appraisal services to determine initial fair market rental for the lease.
- LMD to publish Legal Notice in the newspaper as well as DHHL website on the availability of the property for long term lease.
- Interested parties are given 45 days to submit the complete application which includes financial, business and experience information to support the ability to complete and be successful in the lease requirements.
- Each application will include a sealed bid proposal noting what the interested applicant is proposing to pay for the lease.
- Only those applications that meet the minimum qualifications criteria will be invited to attend the sealed bid public auction when all bids will be opened in front of all.
- The one with the highest bid will be the successful bidder to enter into a general lease with DHHL.
Beneficiary Consultation Virtual Meeting:
- Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
- Postcard Announcement
- Virtual Link:
- Join Zoom Meeting:
https://dhhl-hawaii-gov.zoom.us/j/89295029974?pwd=L2lVczFkamJiOEpVdmVUU1h6UzJRZz09 - Meeting ID: 892 9502 9974
Passcode: dhhl
- Join Zoom Meeting: