U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Central Molokai Groundwater Recharge
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Central Moloka`i Groundwater Recharge June 1, 2019 Information Meeting
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) study of groundwater recharge and availability in central Moloka‘i is nearly complete. Among other uses, the study will help inform DHHL and County applications for Water Use Permits in the Kualapu‘u Aquifer. Current USGS findings were presented at a meeting scheduled for Saturday June 1, 2019 from 10am to 3pm at the Kulana ‘Ōiwi Hālau.
The objectives of the study were to estimate the hydrologic effects of additional groundwater withdrawal scenarios on salinity and water levels near existing wells, and coastal discharge. The model developed by the study will represent the best available tool to effectively manage groundwater withdrawals from central Moloka‘i and develop long-range plans for future development of resources.
Two of the three principal water distributors on Molokai (Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and Maui County Department of Water Supply) shared information on how they are pursuing water use permits and the Commission on Water Resource Management explained the process for consideration of water use requests.
Below are links to the presentations that were provided at this meeting:
- Invite Letter to DHHL Beneficiaries
- U.S. Geological Survey Findings of Groundwater Study Presentation
- County of Maui Water Use Permit Application Presentation
- DHHL Water Use Permit Application Presentation
- CWRM Water Use Permit Application Procedures Presentation
- USGS Presentation Slides Related to Subsistence Maps
- Meeting Notes (Questions, Answers, Comments)
- Akakū Maui Community Media Coverage – June 1, 2019