FY13 DHHL Operating Budget
At its regular meeting on June 19, 2012, the Hawaiian Homes Commission considered the operating budget for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands for Fiscal Year 2013 (Item H-1). Due to the ongoing litigation related to the department’s operating budget (Nelson v. Hawaiian Homes Commission), legal counsel advised the commission to discuss this matter in executive session.
Over the past few months, the department has received several requests to review the FY 2013 operating budget, and therefore Chair-Designate Jobie Masagatani sought further clarification from counsel as to whether this information could be released, despite the ongoing litigation.
Upon review of the request, counsel recently advised that the content of Item H-1 Approval of Fiscal Year 2013 Operating Budget for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands on the June 2012 agenda for the regular meeting of the Hawaiian Homes Commission could be released.
Agenda Item H-1 may be downloaded in scanned PDF form at the following link: