Every year, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands prepares and submits legislative proposals for inclusion in the Governor’s Administrative Package for the next session of the Hawaii State Legislature. Legislative Timeline

  • June 27, 2023 – DHHL solicits legislative proposals 
  • July 31, 2023 – Deadline to submit legislative proposals to DHHL 
  • August 21, 2023 – DHHL submits draft legislative proposals to the Hawaiian Homes Commission 
  • September 18, 2023 – HHC approves legislative proposals to move forward for consideration for the Governor’s Administrative Package 

Draft Legislative Proposals

Legislative Proposal Description Senate Bills House Bills
    HHL-01(24) Relating to Independent Legal Counsel   This proposal allows the Hawaiian Homes Commission to retain independent legal counsel to be paid by the State and use the services of the attorney general as needed when the interests of the State and the Hawaiian Homes Commission are aligned.      

SB 2655


HB 2763

  HHL-02(24) Relating to the Commission on Water Resource Management   This proposal adds the Chair of the Hawaiian Homes Commission or the Chair’s designee to the Commission on Water Resource Management.  

SB 3106

SB 2656


HB 2417

HB 2219

HHL-03(24) Relating to Housing This proposal exempts any development of homestead lots or housing for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands from general excise and use taxes.  

SB 2654


HB 2034

  HHL-04(24) Relating to Historic Preservation Reviews This proposal allows the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands to assume review of the effect of any proposed project on historic properties or burial sites for lands under its jurisdiction.     SB 2653    

HB 2418

HB 2029

      HHL-05(24) Relating to Compliance on Hawaiian Home Lands This proposal establishes a compliance and enforcement program within the Department to investigate complaints, conduct investigations, and cooperate with enforcement authorities to ensure compliance with the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended and rules adopted thereunder as well as all other state laws and rules, and county ordinances on Hawaiian Home Lands.      

SB 2645




HB 2764

  HHL-06(24) Relating to School Impact Fees This proposal repeals the July 1, 2024, sunset of Act 197, Session Laws of Hawaii 2021, to make permanent the exclusion of housing developed by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands from school impact fees.  

SB 3108

SB 2651


HB 2419

HB 2030

HHL-07(24) Relating to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands This proposal allows for the expenditure of funds appropriated in Act 279, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022 until June 30, 2025.

SB 3109

SB 2921

HB 2420 HB 2076
  HHL-08(24) Relating to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands This proposal requests an appropriation of $6,000,000 dollars for the next steps in the investigation, exploration and identification of geothermal resources on Hawaiian Home Lands.  

SB 2650


HB 2031

HHL-09(24) Relating to the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation   This proposal adds the Chair of the Hawaiian Homes Commission or the Chair’s designee to the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation.  

SB 3110

SB 2649

HB 2421
HHL-10(24) Relating to the Hawaii Community Development Authority This proposal adds the Chair of the Hawaiian Homes Commission or the Chair’s designee to the Hawaii Community Development Authority.

SB 3111

SB 2648

HB 2422

    HHL-11(24) Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act This proposal increases the loan limit for DHHL Direct Loans to seventy-five percent of the maximum single residence loan amount allowed in Hawaii by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), instead of fifty percent, as currently outlined in Section 215 of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended.

SB 3112

SB 2646

HB 2423

HB 2218

    HHL-12(24) Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act This proposal increases the allowable loan term for DHHL Direct Loans made available to be forty years, instead of thirty years, as currently outlined in Section 215 of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended.  

SB 3113





HB 2424