The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through its contractor HTM Contractors, Inc., will conduct slope maintenance and landscaping on the mauka side of Auwaiolimu Street.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through its contractors R.M. Towill Corporation and Geolabs, will conduct geotechnical investigations in roadways within the portions of the Papakōlea community beginning on May 26, 2021 and lasting through June 2, 2021.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through its contractor Hawaii Engineering Group, Inc., has begun ground and drone survey work within the Nānākuli Flood Control Channel's drainage laterals. The effort is part of the ongoing Nānākuli Flood Control Channel improvements project in Nānākuli, Oʻahu.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through its contractor Hawaii Engineering Group, Inc., is scheduled to conduct final surveying at the Kekaha Burial Site near the County of Kaua‘i’s Kekaha Hawaiian Cemetery in anticipation of fence repair work in the area.
Hawaiian Homes Commission Meeting agendas are available approximately one week in advance on the HHC Meetings page of our website.