Public Notice

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands is requesting public comment regarding its draft 2014 Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant Annual Performance Report.  

The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is preparing to launch an important study on Native Hawaiian housing needs entitled “Assessment of Native Hawaiian Housing Needs.” DHHL applicants have the opportunity to have a significant role in this major initiative.

Interested Individuals or Firms should submit a packet for each category of interest consisting of a Letter of Interest, Resume and/or a current Statement of Qualifications.

Public Notice to Successors

Posted on Jan 29, 2014 in Public Notice

Notice to possible successors of the following deceased leaseholders, who died and failed to designate a successor(s) to their Hawaiian Home Lands lease under the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended.

Notice to possible successors of the following deceases applicants, who died on or after October 26, 1998, and failed to designate a successor to their Hawaiian Home Lands application right under Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended.