Revocable Permit Program

Revocable Permit Pilot Program


The Revocable Permit (RP) is utilized by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) to grant permission to an individual or an entity to occupy and utilize Hawaiian home lands on a short-term basis. RPs are utilized by DHHL as a land management tool to provide for presence on DHHL lands thereby reducing the costs for land management-related activities including but not limited to preventing trespassing, dumping, illegal activity, fires, etc.; fencing; posting and maintaining adequate signage; landscaping; etc. RPs have also added to DHHL’s revenue stream, although revenue generation is usually a secondary benefit of this primarily land management tool.

In 2014, DHHL stopped issuing RPs as it undertook an evaluation of its RP program. In 2021, the Hawaiian Homes Commission (HHC) approved the rollout of a new Revocable Permit Pilot Program. This Pilot program is intended to focus on reaching out to beneficiaries, beneficiary organizations, and beneficiary businesses and invite participation. Based on the feedback, adjustment, and experience from this Pilot Program, a new Revocable Permit Program will be presented to the HHC for final approval including the full rollout schedule. The purpose of this pilot is to introduce the program on a limited basis to test the new concepts and adjust before rolling out the program on a broader scale.         


The Hawaiian Homes Commission Act (HHCA) Section 204(2) and 207(c) authorize DHHL to dispose of lands for non-homestead purposes on the same terms, conditions, restrictions and uses applicable to the disposition of public lands as provided in Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 171, as amended. HRS 171-55, titled Permit, states that “Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the board of land and natural resources [HHC] may issue permits for the temporary occupancy of state lands or an interest therein on a month-to-month basis by direct negotiation without public auction, under conditions and rent which will serve the best interests of the State, subject, however, to those restrictions as may from time to time be expressly imposed by the board. A permit on a month-to-month basis may continue for a period not to exceed one year from the date of its issuance; provided that the board [HHC] may allow the permit to continue on a month-to-month basis for additional one-year periods.”

Pilot Program:

In October 2022, DHHL set aside three parcels for the Revocable Permit Pilot Program:

Business Revocable Permit: Business RPs are intended for DHHL Properties that show the greatest potential to earn income for the Applicant and DHHL. It is intended for more mature businesses with a longer track record.
  • Kalaeloa, Oʻahu
    • TMK NO: (1) 9-1-013:024, containing an area of approximately 1 acre
    • Click here for details.
Community Revocable Permit: Community RPs are intended for DHHL Properties that can be utilized by community organizations or native Hawaiian organizations for activities that benefit the neighboring homestead communities. A Community RP is appropriate for a use that is intended to be short-term (or on a trial basis) with minimum improvements to the land. Examples include farmers’ markets, tented areas for community movie nights, community gardens, etc.
  • Waimānalo, Oʻahu
    • TMK NO: (1) 4-1-019:032, containing an area of a1.7044 acres.
    • Click here for details.
General Revocable Permit: A General RP is similar to the typical RP, for which the primary purpose of the permitted use is to provide a presence on the land, thereby reducing the cost to DHHL for land management-related activities. Further, RPs that do not fall into the other two categories would fall into this General category.
  • Honomū, Hawaiʻi Island
    • TMK NO: (3)2-8-011:009, containing an area of 301.00 acres
    • Click here for details

Application Process:

The application is intended to minimize the risk of investing significant time and resources for the Applicant and give DHHL a better idea about the proposed use and the applicant’s potential capacity to implement.

Applicants should closely review the application to understand the scope and expectations for RP holders:

Note: The application deadline has been extended. Applications for the above available parcels are now due no later than 4 p.m. HST on Tuesday, December 13, 2022.

Contact: [email protected]