Frequently Asked Questions by Applicants On the Waiting List
What is my number on the list?
Your number is established on the date your application is accepted by DHHL. This number changes when applicants ahead of you are removed from the list per their request or are awarded leases. Waiting lists are available for review at DHHL district offices; and here on the website.
Why does my number keep getting higher instead of lower?
Numbers may increase as a result of actions taken by the Hawaiian Homes Commission (HHC). The HHC is authorized to approve adjustments to the waiting lists. For example, during the Acceleration of Awards Program (1984 – 1987) DHHL awarded leases to unimproved lots. Once the lands became improved, the lessees had one year to construct a house on a residential lot. Some lessees have not been able to meet this requirement for a variety of reasons. Therefore, they have requested that the HHC rescind their leases and reinstate them back to the waiting list according to the date of their original application. An action like this may affect your number, if you are an applicant on the waiting list.
May I change (transfer) my application to a different island?
Yes, but you are placed on the island list you are transferring to as of the date your transfer request is received by DHHL and not your original application date.
How come I wasn’t given an award, yet I know someone who applied after me already has a lease?
There may be a number of reasons. For example, a lessee may have received a lease as a result of a transfer from another lessee or through successorship from a deceased relative.
Does DHHL make loans to applicants?
DHHL does not make loans to applicants. DHHL does, however, make loans to lessees. These loans are generally reserved for lessees who are not able to secure financing from an outside lender. For more information contact DHHL.