This Notice shall remain posted until May 15, 2014
Deadline for Submittals: May 20, 2014, 2:00pm Hawaii Standard Time
Pursuant to §103D-304, HRS, the State of Hawaii, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) is seeking qualified Biologists (GS-0401), Zoologists (GS-0410), Botanists (GS-0430), Hydrologists (GS-1315) and/or Environmental Engineers (GS-0819) with sufficient education, experience, and expertise to investigate and prepare the following:
A comprehensive Wetlands Management Plan that encompasses a maintenance, monitoring, long term restoration and suggested enhancements plan for the Ohiapilo Pond Bird Sanctuary (“Ohiapilo”), a 24.7-acre wetlands located on Hawaiian Home Lands, Tax Key Map Key No. (2) 5-2-09:001 (Portion), Kalamaula, Island of Molokai. The Management Plan must, at a minimum, provide the following:
- A short term maintenance plan for Ohiapilo to include strategies for botulism control, invasive plant removal, predator control, native plant enhancement, etc., as needed to assure the prudent management of the site;
- A long term management plan for the enhancement of the wetlands that includes a hydrology and engineering study;
- Provisions for a community based educational and management component;
- Provisions for the restoration, preservation, conservation, protection and maintenance of the site for use as a natural habitat for wildlife and plants in perpetuity; and
- Provisions for a monitoring and recordation plan for measuring success criteria of migratory water birds at Ohiapilo.
Interested entities capable of providing the professional services required must submit:
- A letter of interest;
- Resume with information documenting qualifications, experience and work history on similar projects; and
- Two (2) professional references.
Additional information about the project and responses may be emailed, delivered, mailed to be received by 2:00pm, May 20, 2014 to Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, LMD, 91-5420 Kapolei Parkway, Kapolei, HI 96707, email: [email protected], 808-220-7076. Procurement inquiries should be directed to: Kamanao Mills, Special Assistant, Office of the Chairman, Ph: 808-620-9508.
Note: (1)Vendor Certificate Required: Hawaii State Procurement Office “Certificate of Vendor Compliance’ (2) Any award resulting from this solicitation is subject to DHHL’s standard General Conditions, a copy of which can be obtained from the contact information above. (3) This Notice may be extended or cancelled by the authority of the Chairman, Hawaiian Homes Commission.