Administrative Rules – Pilina-based Priority Waitlist & Homestead Lessee Leave of Absence



From 2020 to 2024, DHHL has engaged in planning processes to develop new homestead communities in rural areas across the state on several islands in which there are existing Hawaiian Home Lands.  DHHL heard a consistent and strong call to develop a pilina-based policy of awarding homestead leases to native Hawaiian beneficiaries who have a connection (pilina) to that wahi (place). These rural communities expressed the need for this policy because maintaining a continuity of settlement by beneficiaries who have a relationship to the area creates a solid foundation for the individual success of the future homestead lessee for several common reasons: 

  • Having familial connections and a strong network of family members and/or close neighbors is critical to the success of the future homestead lessee and his/her family during times of need; 
  • Future homestead lessees that have collected knowledge of the place either through their own keen observation of the wahi and/or by knowledge passed down by their kupuna, better understand how to sustainably manage resources and successfully live in these remote areas. 

HAR section 10-3-12 governs the waitlist for homestead leases. DHHL proposes to amend section 10-3-12 to establish a Pilina-Based Priority Waitlist for the reasons above. 


Pursuant to section 10-2-16(b)(4) of the DHHL administrative rules, the Chair of the DHHL has the delegated authority to approve leaves of absence.  However, the rules lack specific guidelines or policies governing leaves of absence. 

The HHC has tasked the DHHL to undertake the process of amending the administrative rules to ensure clarity and enforceability of leaves of absence approved by the DHHL. 

Historically, leaves of absence have been approved for lessees required to be off island for reasons such as: 

  1. Military deployment 
  1. Temporary relocation by an employer or religious organization 
  1. Medical treatment 
  1. Pursuing higher education 
  1. Health and safety concerns 

Leaves of absence are typically granted for up to 12 months, with the option for the lessee to request for extensions beyond the initial period which will be the Chair’s discretion whether to approve.  

In addition to a lessee being directly impacted, the DHHL is proposing to allow leaves of absence in situations where a lessee’s qualified relatives named in section 209 of the HHCA are also directly impacted by those reasons noted above.  Additionally, the DHHL is seeking community input on other factors that should be considered and evaluated for leaves of absence requests. 



For more information, please contact:
[email protected]


1Proposed Action or Issue for DiscussionAmend the current set of Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) governing the DHHL Waitlist 10-3-12 (Pilina-Based Priority Waitlist) and HAR Chapter 10-2-16(b)(4) governing Homestead Lessee Leave of Absence. 
3Meeting Schedule
    • Hāna, Maui – Sunday, March 9, 2025
      Hāna High and Elementary School
      4111 Hana Hwy
      Hana, HI 96713
      10 a.m. – Noon

    • East Hawai‘i Island – Thursday, March 13, 2025
      Keaukaha Elementary School 
      240 Desha Ave
      Hilo, HI 96720-4815
      6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

    • Lahaina, Maui – Thursday, March 27, 2025
      Lahaina Civic Center
      1840 HI-30, Lahaina, HI 96761
      6p.m. – 8p.m.
    • Kahului, Maui – Friday, April 4, 2025
      Maui High School
      660 S. Lono Ave, HI 96732
      6p.m. – 8p.m.