Proposed Kailapa Community Firebreak Project

Proposed Kailapa Community Firebreak Project

(Right-Of-Entry Permit to Use Hawaiian Home Lands)

Background information:  DHHL will hold a beneficiary consultation meeting regarding a proposed Fire Break project on DHHL lands above the existing Kailapa Homestead Community.  The project is being proposed by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) and the South Kohala Coastal Partnership (SKCP).  NOAA and SKCP seek a Right-of-Entry Permit from DHHL to implement the proposed Fire Break Project.  The proposed Firebreak Project will include the clearing of overgrown invasive vegetation on the mauka side of an existing ungulate fence to form a roughly 30-foot wide, 0.8-mile long corridor to act as a fuel break to restrict the extent of future wildfires in the area.  The proposed project has been modified to limit the Fire Break to the mauka side of the fence (farthest from the coastline). It will not include any work along the side boundaries of the fence to avoid known archeological sites and historical trails that are found closer to the coastline.


Virtual Beneficiary Consultation

  • Tuesday, November 15, 2022 – 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.