Final EA Published for Villages of Leali’i, Village 1-B Subdivision

Posted on Dec 5, 2023 in Public Notice

Final EA Published for Villages of Leali’i, Village 1-B Subdivision

(Wahikuli, Maui) – The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) has published its final Environmental Assessment (EA) with a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Villages of Leali’i, Village 1-B Subdivision project and related improvements in Wahikuli, District of Lahaina, Maui Island.

The project will involve the use of state lands and funds, which triggers Chapter 343, Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) environmental review requirements. As such, a Final EA has been prepared to assess the technical characteristics and potential environmental impacts of the proposed project, as well as advance findings and mitigation measures relative to the project.

A review of the significant criteria outlined in HRS Chapter 343 and HAR Section 11-200.1-13 on the area’s development has been determined to not result in significant adverse effects on the natural or human environment. The Draft EA prepared for the project was published in the December 23, 2022 edition of The Environmental Notice with an Anticipated Finding of No Significant Impact (AFNSI).

The Hawaiian Homes Commission (HHC) evaluated the final EA and issued a FONSI determination at its October 2023 HHC meeting. The final EA and FONSI were published in the Environmental Review Program’s The Environmental Notice on November 8, 2023.

The proposed Village 1-B consists of 181 single-family homes. Access to the subdivision will be provided from Leialiʻi Parkway. The new housing units will be made available to DHHL native Hawaiian beneficiaries. The proposed project will be developed in two (2) increments. Increment 1 will consist of 86 single-family units and Increment 2 will consist of 95 single-family units, for a total of 181 homes.

The following offsite improvements are required, and will also be developed as part of the proposed action: 1) Development of two (2) new offsite retention basins mauka of Village 1-B, on lands owned by HHFDC; 2) Adjustment of the outlet drainage pipes in the existing retention basin mauka of Village 1-A, on lands owned by HHFDC, and enlargement of the basin; 3) Grading and development of drainage interceptor ditches mauka of Village 1-B, on lands owned by HHFDC; 4) Roadway improvements to Leialiʻi Parkway and Honoapiʻilani Highway; 5) Roadway repairs to existing portions of Leiali‘i Parkway.

To review the final EA for Villages of Leali’i, Village 1-B Subdivision, please visit