RFP NO.: RFP-24-HHL-002 Grant for Improvements to Existing Programs, Services & Facilities on Hawaiian Home Lands (Statewide)

Request for Proposal

Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

RFP NO.: RFP-24-HHL-002

Grant for Improvements to Existing Programs, Services & Facilities on Hawaiian Home Lands (Statewide) – Grant Application

Pre-proposal Orientation Sessions (Teleconference)

Orientation sessions are OPTIONAL. The information provided at each orientation will be the same and each session will cover all four of the DHHL RFPs. To learn more about the other RFPs, click here.

Note: Interested parties are advised to go to the State Procurement Office website, Hawaii Awards and Notices Data System (HANDS), Bidding Opportunities for the official public posting, and for further information.