Hawaiian Homes Commission Unanimously Approves Act 279 Report and Budget

Posted on Aug 26, 2022 in Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, Media Releases, Slider


August 26, 2022


Hawaiian Homes Commission Unanimously Approves Act 279 Report and Budget

(Kapolei, Oahʻu) – The Hawaiian Homes Commission (HHC) unanimously approved a Preliminary Strategic Approach to Implement Act 279 (Strategic Approach) at a Special Meeting of the Commission on Thursday, August 25, 2022.

On May 16, 2022, HHC Chair William J. Aila, Jr., established an Act 279 Permitted Interaction Group to work with the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) to receive guidance from counsel on various topics related to Act 279 and deliberate on elements that should be included in a final Strategic Plan.

Committee members include Commissioners Pauline Namuo, Russell Kaupu, Dennis Neves, and Chairman William Aila, Jr., along with key DHHL staff. The Committee has met five times.

At the July 2022 HHC Regular Meeting, the Committee presented its draft Strategic Approach and comments from the whole Commission were incorporated into the Strategic Approach presented this month.

“The Strategic Approach is an important first step toward effectively utilizing this historic allocation of funding,” said HHC Chairman Ailā. “What is important is that the Commission has agreed on the overall approach while allowing DHHL the flexibility to seek potential land acquisitions and innovative solutions to meet the needs of native Hawaiians on the Waiting List.”

HHC also approved the Act 279 Implementation Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and authorized the Chairman to make adjustments as appropriate.

The Strategic Approach is the working document that will ultimately apprise the final Strategic Plan to the Hawaiʻi State Legislature. The final plan is due on December 10, 2022, as required by Act 279.

The Strategic Approach and budget, identified as agenda items C-5 and C-6, can be reviewed on the Department’s website by visiting, dhhl.hawaii.gov/hhc/2022-hawaiian-homes-commission-meeting-schedule.


About the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands:
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands carries out Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole’s vision of rehabilitating native Hawaiians by returning them to the land. Established by U.S. Congress in 1921, with the passage of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, the Hawaiian homesteading program run by DHHL includes the management of over 200,000 acres of land statewide with the specific purpose of developing and delivering homesteading.

Media Contact:
Cedric Duarte
Information and Community Relations Officer
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
(808) 620-9591
[email protected]