IFB Issued for Development of Wastewater System in Pūlehunui, Maui
Posted on Mar 6, 2020 in Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, Media ReleasesFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
March 6, 2020
IFB Issued for Development of Wastewater System in Pūlehunui, Maui
(PŪLEHUNUI, MAUI) – The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) has issued an Invitation for Bid (IFB) for a Wastewater System in Pūlehunui, Maui.
The primary objective of the proposed project is to undertake regional infrastructure master planning for DHHL, the Department of Land and Natural Resources, and the Department of Accounting and General Services on behalf of the Department of Public Safety to facilitate the efficient development of lands managed by the agencies in Pūlehunui.
A regional approach to infrastructure planning is anticipated to facilitate the development in the area in a way that is financially and environmentally efficient, ultimately maximizing the use of State funds.
The Pūlehunui project, IFB-20-HHL-022, consists of the construction of a wastewater system, including the clearing, grubbing, excavation, erosion control measures, sewer line, force main and manhole installations, pump station, submersible pumps and tank installations, on-site electrical work, backfill, compaction, asphalt concrete paving, geotechnical services, pressure/hydro-testing, and CCTV inspections.
As designated by the Maui Island Plan (2004), DHHL land in the area is identified primarily for General Agriculture and Industrial use. Beneficiary feedback during recent consultations has identified interest in more diversified land use, including the designation for Subsistence Agriculture, Community Use, Supplemental Agriculture, and Commercial Use. The interest exceeds the current Island Plan’s designations. Following an Environmental Impact Statement, DHHL amended its Island Plan to accommodate beneficiary interest in higher use diversity of land in the area.
DHHL is currently investing over $60 million dollars of legislative appropriations and almost $70 million in trust funds across more than 60 projects statewide. The projects include infrastructure improvements, lot development efforts, repair of existing infrastructure, and land acquisition to meet the current and future needs of beneficiaries.
All bidders and their subcontractors are required to possess all required valid State of Hawaiʻi licenses and specialty licenses needed to perform the work for the project. A surety bid bond is also required.
The project is subject to Section 103D, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and to the payment of not less than the prevailing salaries and wages promulgated by the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.
Bid documents can be viewed on the Hawaiʻi Awards & Notices Data System at the State Procurement Office website, hands.ehawaii.gov/hands/opportunities by searching for IFB-20-HHL-022 or on DHHL’s website, under procurement and the aforementioned IFB number, dhhl.hawaii.gov/procurement.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands carries out Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole’s vision of rehabilitating native Hawaiians by returning them to the land. Established by U.S. Congress in 1921, with the passage of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, the Hawaiian homesteading program run by DHHL includes management of over 200,000 acres of land statewide with the specific purpose of developing and delivering homesteading.
Cedric Duarte
Information and Community Relations Officer
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
(808) 620-9591
[email protected]