The Kahikinui Project
Posted on Mar 27, 2018 in Fact SheetsThe Kahikinui Project
It has come to the attention of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands that misleading information is circulating on Instagram and Facebook regarding resource management activities at Kahikinui and it is important that the department 1) keep our Kahikinui lessees and beneficiaries informed, 2) that we provide clarity on some of the statements being made, and 3) that we dispel misinformation.
The DHHL has worked directly with Kahikinui beneficiaries and their Homestead Association, Ka ‘Ohana o Kahikinui, and other resource management partners, for over 25 years to best manage our natural and cultural resources that span over 22,000 acres. Discussions are ongoing. Some of the organizations have included:
- LIFE (Living Indigenous Forest Ecosystem)
- LIFE had a 15-year license to advance the cultural welfare of native Hawaiian beneficiaries by reviving beneficiary involvement in the management of the Kahikinui Forest. The license expired in 2012.
- Kahikinui Game and Land Management Organization (KGLMO)
- KGLMO assisted LIFE by removing ungulates and by monitoring and maintaining KGLMO DOES NOT currently have a license agreement or a right of entry to hunt or remove ungulates in Kahikinui.
- Ka ‘Ohana O Kahikinui (KOOK)
- KOOK, is the Hawaiian Homestead Association for Kahikinui lessees who reside in Kahikinui.
- KOOK has plenary oversight for the Kahikinui Homestead per the DCCR’s of that community.
- The Kahikinui Project (KIA Hawai‘i, Ltd)
- With the Kahikinui Fence Project nearing completion, KOOK sought an alternative to the standard operating procedure of eradicating feral animals in that area. The beneficiaries did not want to see all the meat go to KIA’s services was exactly what they needed. KOOK contacted DHHL to express support for KIA’s ROE. KOOK Board members traveled to the HHC meeting to support KIA’s request.
- In February 2018, KIA requested a Right of Entry (ROE) from the DHHL and the Hawaiian Homes Commission approved a month-to-month ROE for up to 12 months to
- The purpose of the ROE is to conduct feral ungulate removal for the protection and restoration of the watershed forest at Kahikinui. KIA will remove all large, aggressive, problematic bulls from the interior and exterior of the fence within 6-8 months of fence completion. All deer and cattle within the interior of the fence would be removed within 12 months of fence completion.
Here are some of the facts in response to social media posts:
- The role of the DHHL is to work on behalf of the beneficiaries of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, Amended 1920. While others who are non-beneficiaries of the HHCA may have an opinion, the DHHL will prioritize beneficiary feedback as that is the kuleana of the
- The Kahikinui Regional Plan started in 2011 and is also available for review at The DHHL has not deviated from that plan as some are suggesting because of KIA Hawaii’s project. The forest management activities are identified in the Kahikinui Forest Reserve Community Management Conceptual Plan which was developed by the Kahikinui Forest Partnership Working Group. The Kahikinui Project is consistent with the Priority Project on Resource Management.
- Information about KIA Hawaii’s proposal to the Hawaiian Homes Commission is also available under the Hawaiian Homes Commission meetings section, February 2018.
- Currently no individual entity has a license for ungulate removal on Kahikinui. (only ROE’s)
- KGLMO does not have permission to conduct activity in Kahikinui. Any activity on the DHHL lands without formal permission is considered
- Most of the beneficiaries in Kahikinui have been working with KIA Hawaii and do in fact support the KIA Hawaii
The misrepresentation of facts in some of the posts is unfortunate and misleading. The inclusion of photos of dead carcasses are inflammatory and uncertified in terms of responsibility for these despicable actions and the department refutes any inference of these actions placed upon the DHHL. In addition, the department considers posts of a threatening nature upon individuals or organizations highly distasteful. This type of conduct conveys a lack of respect for others and their work and borders a thin line of cyberbullying and potential criminal actions. The kuleana and management of the DHHL lands in Kahikinui and throughout the State of Hawaii will continue with our beneficiaries, the community of Kahikinui and those who support our mission to manage our lands in a responsible fashion