Posted on Aug 22, 2017 in Public Notice

Title VIII of the Native American Housing and Self Determination Act requires the Department of Hawaiian Homes Lands, as the sole recipient of Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant funds, to report annually on activities performed in the past year.

The report, disseminated for thirty days of public comment on August 22, 2017, will be finalized and submitted to the U.S. Office of Housing and Urban Development by September 30, 2017. The shaded sections of the APR report on activities approved as the Annual Housing Plan in April 2016.


Spend-down First Fiscal Year July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014:
$5.6 million expended

Spend-down Second Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015:
$14.1 million expended

Spend-down Third Fiscal Year July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016:
$11.6 million expended

Spend-down Fourth Fiscal Year July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017:
$19.3 million expended


Fiscal Year 2016 – 2017 Expenditures by AHP Activity:

AHP 1. 2016 Capital Improvement Projects (AHP I)                     $8,251,681

AHP 2. Developer Financing                                                               $3,548

AHP 3. HALE Risk Mitigation                                                            $612,517

AHP 4. HALE Loss Mitigation                                                           $103,395

AHP 5. Homeowner Financing                                                          $7,653,710

AHP 6. Energy Retrofits                                                                     $49,006

AHP 7. Home Assistance Program                                                   $560,000

AHP 8. Water Improvements                                                            $0

AHP 9. Emergency Financing                                                            $56,997

AHP 10. Land Acquisition                                                                   $0

AHP 11. Rental Operating Subsidy                                                    $0


For AHP 8, Environmental Assessments not yet completed for Anahola and Hoolehua. Awaiting responses from State Historic Preservation Division.

For AHP 10, DHHL did look at some potential land purchases but environmental contamination ruled out said parcels.

For AHP 11, HUD technical assistance came in June 2017, too late to execute the subsidy.

Current NAHASDA Balance:   $29,759,152
Encumbered by Contract:   $12,486,103
Available NAHASDA Balance: $17,273,049

For a copy of the entire final report please click here.

To view the entire list of NAHASDA publications please click here.

All comments should be submitted to DHHL via email Attention: Niniau Simmons, NAHASDA Manager. Comments received by the close of business on Friday, September 21, 2017, will be taken into consideration in finalizing the APR.