Blasting Through May 31 At DHHL Site In Waimea

Posted on Apr 26, 2013 in Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, Media Releases

Hawaiian Home Lands

April 26, 2013

Blasting Scheduled Through May 31
at DHHL Construction Site in Waimea

Blasting Scheduled Monday through Friday
from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Starting Next Week

WAIMEA, HAWAIʻI — The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands is alerting residents, business owners and nearby property owners that after multiple test blasts conducted last week, its contractor Blasting Technology will proceed with blasting activities Monday through Friday between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. through May 31, 2013. Blasting activities facilitates rock excavation at the construction site for Phase 2A of DHHL’s Lālāmilo Subdivision, adjacent to the Waimea Transfer Station.

Each blast will last a second or two. Prior to each detonation there will be a five-minute and then a one-minute warning signal. After each blast, an all-clear signal will be sounded.

Blast Warning Signals

Please familiarize yourself with these signals so you will know what they mean when you hear them.

  • 5-minute warning: several long duration bursts of a horn or siren
  • 1-minute warning: one very long duration burst of a horn or siren
  • All clearn signal: several short duration bursts of a horn or siren

Blasting results in a certain amount of noise, air movement, and tremors. The blast area will be blocked by guards and the site will be secured. Safety of the residents, surrounding property, and everyone involved on the project site is of utmost concern.

For questions or concerns about the blasting, residents may contact Blasting Technology at (808) 874-5554. An official copy of the Notice of Blasting can be downloaded from the DHHL website.



Darrell T. Young
Deputy to the Chair
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
(808) 620-9510 | | | |