Week In Review, Sep. 2

Posted on Sep 2, 2011 in Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
Week in Review DHHL Message
Governor Abercrombie Visits DHHL
Ho’okupu from DHHL Chairman Nahale-a to Governor Abercrombie

This week gave staff a chance to show off what they do when Governor Neil Abercrombie paid a visit to Hale Kalaniana’ole, the department headquarters in Kapolei. He and his team toured the entire office and stopped to chat with staff.

Thank you all the administrators for sharing insights about your divisions, as well as staff. Huge mahalo nui loa to those who helped ensure the entire visit went smoothly. The Governor mentioned to the Chairman that he was impressed.

Beneficiary Consultations


DHHL also kicked off beneficiary consultation this week to discuss Waimānalo andLālāmilo-Pu’ukapu Regional Plans. There was a lot of great input and feedback from lessees, applicants and community as we look ahead towards the future. For our staff, these consultations are a huge undertaking, on time, energy and sometimes patience, but the input is so constructive to the work that we do. There is still time to share your thoughts, with 2 more sessions at each location. Full announcement available via DHHL website


Also final comments for the beneficiary consultation on the Native Hawaiian Development Program Plan (NHDPP) are due tomorrow, September 3, 2011.  This summer, many of you attended our island wide presentation on the five sections which included governance, individual development, beneficiary consultation, planning and community development. If you have mana’o (thoughts) to share, last chance via our DHHL website.
Mahalo nui to everyone who is involved to ensure our communities’ voices are heard and we are working together.
Community Preview of Disney’s Aulani Resort


We were also pleased to see so many homesteaders at the community preview for Disney’s new Aulani resort. The Chairman had a chance to speak with several who are now employees at the resort. Some of our homesteaders are also providing goods and services to the hotel including tomatoes from the Hodson family from Waimea.


We are grateful that Disney, as a neighbor, took great care ensure that the Hawaiian culture was appropriately showcased. Maika’i!



With a long weekend is upon us and summer drawing to a close, look forward to great things from the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust in the fall. 

Have a safe and fun Labor Day holiday. 

About Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

Our mission is to manage the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust effectively and to develop and deliver lands to native Hawaiians.  We will also partner to develop self-sufficient and healthy communities.

Find out more at Hawaiian Homes website. Keep track of us regularly via TW @DHHL or Facebook