OHA Remote Office Here Today
Posted on Oct 31, 2011 in Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
OHA staffers Kaʻimo Muehlstein and Kūhiō Lewis are staffing a remote OHA office inside Hale Kalanianaʻole, today.
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs sets up a remote office inside Hale Kalanianaʻole, once a month. OHA staffers Kaʻimo Muehlstein and Kūhiō Lewis are here, today, providing information and services for beneficiaries, including information on OHA programs, scholarships, loans and Hawaiian Registry applications. They have set up shop in the Hawaiʻi conference room. Please follow the signs posted outside Hale Kalanianaʻole, or ask the receptionist about their location. Their temporary phone number in the Hawaiʻi conference room is 620-9341.
From OHA:
Aloha e nā hoa:
This is a reminder that OHA will be in Kapolei today to kakoʻo (support) our beneficiaries.
We will be providing information on our Mālama Loan Program, Community Grants and Higher Education Scholarships. OHA’s Hawaiian Registry Program registration is also being conducted on site.
Location: DHHL office in Kapolei from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For more information, or for directions please call 620-9341
Happy Halloween.
Joe Kuhio Lewis
For more information, please see www.oha.org.